Ramnode quick setup guide

This is a very brief guide on getting started with ram node, a very powerful vps provider.

First, log into the ramnode website, if you don't already have an account create one. This is pretty simple, I'll meet you once you have your account confirmed and set up with credit.

Ok, now you have some account credit, you can make your account do things. Scroll down the page until you find "Cloud ram node account active" and click it.

Under manage product you will see an option to visit the cloud control panel, this is the option you want. The fleio control panel will open.

This panel is a bit tedius to navigate if your using a screen reader, I personally can't recommend the find feature built into your screen reader enough. What you are looking for is an element called instances, and when you find it, you will want to click it.

At first, nothing will appear to happen, though the page has updated. At the very end of the page will be an element called add, which allows you to add an instance. Click it.

Name your instance something you won't mind seeing in terminal, ideally no more than 50 characters.

Next, select a datacenter region by expanding the dropdown list.

After you've selected your datacenter then you have to select a plan. If you don't know what the various plans do, you can consult there homepage, they go into super deep detail about it.

If you scroll a bit you select your opperating system. Where it says no boot source, you will want to click change. A hole list of distributions will drop down below your focus. Select the one you want, then hit the select button.

After that and the last step is security. You can either choose to add an ssh key or enter password in the password field, this is what you will use to log into your root account via ssh, so please make sure it is secure.

When your finished, hit create instance then wait about 5 minutes while your instance spawns.

If you can't update packages

I noticed when I first created my ubuntu 18.04 instance I couldn't update packages, no matter how hard I tried. Turns out upon first deployment the system will start updating packages straight away.


Asuming your instance is set up to your liking and you have everything set up, you will want to log into your ram node account then enter the control panel as stated above.

Once your there, look for an element called zones, then create zone. Fill in the boxes then submit.

This is where things get slightly confusing. When you add a record, you get some fields to fill in. Nice touch is your ns records are already filled in so you don't usually need to recreate those.

When your done, you think you would hit add record, right? Nope, that causes more fields for the record you just filled in to drop down, which is handy for things like mx records. Instead navigate to any box with data in it and hit the return key. With any luck you won't get an error above the recordset area. Just to make sure, move your cursor above the records table and check.

If at any point you need a root record, currently @ doesn't function as you would expect. Instead you input "domain." without the quotes, which places a root record. Note, do not place double full stops as I kept doing, please only input one and it should work.

With that being said, you should have enough information to get your domain fully set up with all the records and subdomains you will need. If you can't figure something out, feel free to reach out to customer support by opening a ticket, they respond fairly quickly.